Clinical Supervision & Internships
If you need clinical supervision to support your work and fulfill your requirements for licensure, or as part of your graduate training, we would be happy to talk with you about how we can help. If your team would benefit from a regular forum for clinical case discussions, group-cohesion exercises, and guided peer consultation and feedback, feel free to give us a call.

Creative Ways Therapy facilitates individual and group clinical supervision sessions with MSW students, LGSWs, LPCs, and other child welfare and mental health professionals. The supervisory relationships we have fostered throughout our community are professional, supportive, interactive, and growth-inspiring.
"Through my time as an intern at Creative Ways Therapy, I was inspired to incorporate creative therapeutic methods and a client-centered approach. This was invaluable training that I put in practice every day in my current work as a school-based clinical social worker. My supervisors, Donna and Teresa, continue to provide me with support and guidance as I move forward in my career as a clinical social worker."
Love and justice are not two. Without inner change, there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters.
- Angel Kyodo Williams -